港口海岸与近海工程学院:SedimentDynamics,from grain to regional scales.Theimportanceofunderstanding heterogeneity.



SedimentDynamics,from grain to regional scales.Theimportanceofunderstanding heterogeneity.

报告人:Dr. Charlotte Thompson 英国南安普顿大学高级研究员




Understanding bed stability and resuspension processes in the coastal and shelf environments, and highlight the range of scales that heterogeneity occurs on, and the potential impacts that this has on understanding or predicting sediment transport in these areas.


Dr. Charlotte Thompson

SeniorResearch Fellow in Sediment Dynamics, Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton.


Her research interests are focused on experimental and process based sediment dynamics. This incorporatesresearch on resuspension and stabilisation processes, cohesive and mixed sediments, fluid and solidtransmitted stresses during sediment transport, stress reduction by suspended sediments and hydrodynamic roughness. She specializes in the use of laboratory and in-situ annular flumes to investigate sediment transport and erosion processes and participate in cross-discipline research featuring sediment dynamics.

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